Saturday, November 19, 2011

Every ones favorite rifle

When I first starting hunting I bought a rifle that fit my needs. a 243 Savage light weight accurate and very flat shooting. In the past two years I have harvested 3 deer because of this gun. this season I hunted with a 7mm rifle to up my game. I let my friend Jessie borrow my 243 seeing he did not have one for opening day. Opening day came around and Jessie put a nice 11 pt buck on the ground with my gun. I was proud, and happy for him. Later this week I let Aaron another good friend borrow the gun he was having issues with his. The next day he kills a 9pt buck and the following day a good size doe. Now this was getting reticules. Aaron's little sister went out hunting with the boys this morning and at 300 yards took her first deer. This as become every ones favorite gun.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Great Start

It was a beautiful morning when this big 11 pt buck walked out. Taken from his tree stand at about 300 yards through thick woods Mike dropped this bad boy where he stood.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Opening Day

on the ridge
Tomorrow is opening day and it 95 degrees out side. this is going to be one of those get in early and out by 10:00.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Here is an episode I did with Back Stage and Back Roads
Play Video

Monday, July 25, 2011

Broken Gauge

Another day on the river. I was so excited when I check the online gauge for Elk Horn Creek. When we arrived at the river we quickly found out we had been mislead. The river was lower then what was posted. We figured we were already there with the boats so off we went.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Fishing Trip

With every bad hunting season comes a bad fishing season. Well if you know anything about the outdoors you know its not about how you did, but about who was there to share it with. My dad, Mike, Arron and myself got away for a little Father son Fishing trip. Trying our hand at night fishing on lake Laurel.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

So finally got my new kayak and what do you know KY takes a 3 week break from rain.
I was never planning on buying a play boat but it was priced right and its kinda half and half.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Back To Elk Horn

Matt, Aaron, Jay, and me made our way back to Frankfort to kayak Elk Horn creek.

Matt, Aaron, Jay, and me made our way back to Frankfort to kayak Elk Horn creek.
Matt and I demoed a couple of new kayaks. I now know why there $1000.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Elk Horn

This was my trip to Frankfort KY Elk Horn Creek.

Elk Horn stays pretty calm, but after a good rain it can make things a little more exciting.

This is where we eddied out after turning the boat.